Take Action Today To Protect Your Voter Options in NY

Take Action Today To Protect Your Voter Options in NY


The Libertarian Party jumped the hurdles that the Democratic and Republican Parties created for competing parties to gain ballot access in NY. We worked hard in 2018 to have the Libertarian party listed on the ballot and on voter registration forms. Now that we’re growing rapidly, with historic candidate wins on the Libertarian line in 2019 and rapid growth in voters choosing the Libertarian Party on their voter registration forms, the Democratic and Republican parties are trying to rig the rules to stop us.

With blatant disrespect for you and all voters, Albany legislators created the Public Campaign Finance Commission, appointed their friends as the commissioners, and gave them authority to change election laws. This Public Campaign Finance Commission voted to make the qualification process for ballot access up to 3 times harder under the guise of setting up a campaign public financing program. The Commissioner Jay Jacobs has a significant conflict of interest in setting up these more challenging rules for smaller parties.  Jacobs was appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, is coincidentally the head of the state’s Democratic Party, and served as de facto chair. Unless the Albany legislature acts to intervene now, the Commission’s votes will become law for 2020.  
Albany’s Democratic and Republican representatives want to eliminate all competing political parties by making it 3 times harder for smaller parties to get on a ballot access and to maintain that ballot access over time…and then they want to funnel $100 million per year of your hard-earned tax money into campaigns of their own candidates.  Do not let them eliminate your voting options.


As soon as you can TODAY, go to LPNY.org/FairVote and do the following:
  1. Call or email your representatives in the NY Assembly AND the NY Senate. We will help you look up their phone numbers or emails and help you with what to say.
  2. Fill out the web form to tell us how you did.
  3. Spread the word. Only your voices can stop this. With all of us working together, we hope to prevent these election changes from going into effect in 2020.
  4. Donate to the Libertarian Party of New York so we can combat this absurd legislation, including preparation for a potential costly legal challenge.
  5. There is strength in numbers. Get more friends and family to change their party to Libertarian on the NY Voter Registration form – this is one of the things we fought so hard for.  It takes 2 minutes to change your party online.  Be sure the NY Board of Elections has you coded properly. We hear every day from voters whose party is still not properly listed as Libertarian. Check your party online now.
Tell your friends, coworkers, and family members that if they have EVER wanted more parties and perspectives to choose from on Election Day (and millions of voters do), then they need to speak up NOW.  Share the FairVote page. Regardless of their political party, ask them to act today.



Cuomo and his Democratic and Republican cronies on this Commission don’t know who they are messing with. They are not counting on you and tens of thousands of Libertarians and allies standing up for this party we have fought so hard to build.  If you value your personal freedom, if you value honest competition and innovative ideas for government, if you want to stop this blatant attempt to squash competition, then make the time to take action today. Our momentum will not be stopped.

No matter what political party you align with, thank you for helping to protect choices and fresh ideas in elections.

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