The Hippocratic Oath of Government
By QueensLP |
originally distributed by the Libertarian Party on 03/16/2020
The non-aggression principle is something Libertarians have embedded in our core philosophies. This fundamental value drives party members to pursue many different career paths that allow them to practice non-aggression freely and demonstrate genuine service amongst other human beings; Emergency responders, educators, nurses, scientists, physicians. Some are in the private sector and some are in public service, such as organization like the CDC. Whatever path these individuals choose to take in their career, they are all invested in the health and well-being of others. People who play these kinds of roles daily, who are on the front lines of human crises, are there because they want to help humanity thrive; they want to resolve crises and be part of the solution.
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No matter where you sit on the spectrum of Libertarianism, we can all agree that there is no roll for government to play that should interfere with the helpers. Common sense and decency commands that big government get out of the way so that the helpers can get to the people who need it. Requiring CDC approval before allowing scientists and doctors to create tests to properly diagnose and treat people delays the response time, not only in treating patients, but also in understanding the radius of infections as they spread, putting more people in harms way. It should not be unrealistic for citizens to expect a Hippocratic Oath of Government.
As Libertarians, we do not ask for permission to be helpers; we roll up our sleeves and jump in as we act in the best interest of those who are in need at the moment. Libertarian Dr. Kyle Varner in Seattle, Washington, is treating those diagnosed in critical care. “It is pretty amazing the way bureaucratic red tape has kneecapped the private sector’s ability to respond,” Dr. Varner shared. While regulations are sold by big government politicians as a way to protect the public, they end up having unintended consequences that hurt the very people they’re meant to help.