Author: QueensLP

Crisis Campaigning for Ballot Access

Crisis Campaigning for Ballot Access

for distribution by the Libertarian Party on 03/24/2020

“Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around.”

— Milton Friedman

As of right now, AMERICANS IN ONLY 35 STATES will have a third choice in November. This is not enough! We cannot stop until we have secured 50 state ballot access for the Libertarian Party once again.

We have already deployed, or had planned to deploy petitioners in several states to collect the mandatory number of signatures to grant us access to each ballot. That method has become IMPOSSIBLE to continue with while also following suggested guidelines and essential requirements of social distancing in order to protect against the Coronavirus. Moreover, knowing that asymptomatic people can still spread the virus makes any attempts to continue with this method far too risky for both our petitioners, and the many thousands of people they would come into contact with. For this reason, we have shifted our strategy to one of appealing to the good sense and empathy of the Governors and other officials of the states in question.

So far letters have been sent to Governors and Secretaries of State in Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, and Minnesota. Ten more states are preparing letters at this time, and in Texas similar action is being taken in an attempt to grant permission to postpone their state convention — a date that is currently mandated by law. Please contact your state chair IMMEDIATELY to find out how you can assist in this campaign. While any sensible and rational person would grant the requests in each of these appeals at such a time as this, we have to remember that politics can poison even the most sensible. In the case that any of these appeals are rejected, we will take this fight to the courts. Libertarianism will not become victim to political abuse of power no matter how dire the situation becomes. Our fight will continue until our Libertarian candidate has a place on every ballot once more.

LP Press Release 2020.03.23

LP Press Release 2020.03.23

for immediate release by the LNC on 03/23/2020

The Libertarian Party calls on the Republicans and Democrats to become aware of the tremendous changes Americans are dealing with in their lives, and to make a similar change in the way Congress operates.

Firstly, it is critical that Congress allow remote voting immediately. In the absence of a functioning congress, the Executive branch has too much power. With members of both the House and Senate stricken, the need is urgent and logical. There are no technical issues that could not be overcome.

Secondly, Congress must put aside it’s constant game of position and opposition and recognize when they put things into bills that their opponents cannot live with, that they are hurting the American people. Of course as Libertarians we’d prefer Congress stimulate the economy by removing regulations. We’d prefer Americans be given more money by telling them there’s no income tax this year. And we’d prefer the government completely get out of the process of handling the medical response, and let doctors and health care companies operate freely.

The Libertarian Party however recognizes that we cannot get the legislation we want passed in this political environment. And Republicans and Democrats must recognize the same political reality. Republicans and Democrats should meet with their separate bills, and then give the opposition a “line item veto” to reject the things they cannot live with.

It is clear that a majority of lawmakers of both parties and a majority of Americans support an emergency payment to every adult and extending the deadline for filing income taxes. Bringing a clean bill that did only those things to a vote would provide emergency relief to people, not bailouts to politically connected industries.

Whatever remains is the bill that can be passed today. It’s unclear what the best path forward is because our situation is changing daily. Yet Congress is in a unique situation where they can model a behavior they would like the citizens to repeat. When you cannot see how to get to the end of a problem, do the next right thing. A unified Congress passing the smaller things they can agree upon would be a message to the country that though we may not know how this will all turn out — we can make progress towards making things better.

The Libertarian Party calls on Republicans and Democrats to put aside the leveraging of the crisis for political gain, and to, for the sake of the American people, find the things they can agree upon and pass them immediately. The country doesn’t need monolithic legislation because the people know that nothing is going to be solved overnight. The people need to see that progress is being made. And the people should rightly despise the villains who absent getting their politically divisive agenda passed, will block any other legislation that will provide relief.

Daniel Fishman
Executive Director
The Libertarian Party

New Mexico LP Has Most Candidates for State Legislature of Any Third Party in 100 Years

New Mexico LP Has Most Candidates for State Legislature of Any Third Party in 100 Years

originally published in the Libertarian Party website on 03/16/2020

by Bob Johnston on March 16, 2020
in News From Ballot Access News
on March 11, 2020:

The New Mexico Libertarian Party has 12 candidates for State House on its June primary ballot, and 6 candidates for State Senate. That is the highest number of legislative candidates that any party, other than the Democratic and Republican Parties, has had in New Mexico since the 1910’s decade.

Historically, New Mexico has not had vigorous third parties, relative to other western states.

“I have to thank our state legislature and governor for helping us recruit candidates, the arrogance displayed by passing “red flag” legislation that destroys due process (for their political enemies), and the glee with which a historic budget surplus was rapidly spent on crony projects while calling for new taxes in the same breath, provoked enough anger to motivate many libertarians to step up and run for office. ” said New Mexico LP chair Chris Luchini.

Click here if you are interested in running for office in 2020 as a Libertarian.

The Left and Right Attacked These Companies and Now Look Foolish

The Left and Right Attacked These Companies and Now Look Foolish

released for distribution on 03/20/2020 by the Libertarian Party

While millions of Americans are practicing social distancing in a COVID-19 outbreak, delivery service companies like Amazon are right at our doorstep with food, supplies and necessities.

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. We are seeing community members from every city sharing vital information about grocery stores that are out of food or where those in need can find relief.

Libertarian activists like John Phillips took time off from work to distribute food in Decatur City, Iowa. He got the word out about this effort on Facebook.

Michael Heise from Pennsylvania placed this message on the door of every occupant in his building. He shared this message on Facebook and encouraged others to do the same.

Remember how presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren wanted to break up Amazon and Facebook? These companies which are vital in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and communicating critical information were under attack just a year ago.

Self-reliance today has improved by leaps and bounds with companies like Amazon and Facebook!

And it’s not just Democrats. Republicans like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have attempted to flex their power as law makers to regulate Big Tech.

We as Libertarians know big government will do more harm than good in these difficult times. You can read our recent press release here on how government red tape was a detriment as COVID-19 started to spread in America.

We are the party of solutions. We know when communities team up to provide mutual aid they can overcome great challenges.

We are looking forward to better days. We have big and bold visions in our future. Some of those include:

  • A Libertarian presidential candidate included on the general election debate stage
  • A Libertarian congressional caucus
  • Entire city councils with elected Libertarians (we already have a few!)
  • A society where people are encouraged and empowered to be self-sufficient

With your help, these days will be coming to us sooner.

The Hippocratic Oath of Government

The Hippocratic Oath of Government

originally distributed by the Libertarian Party on 03/16/2020

The non-aggression principle is something Libertarians have embedded in our core philosophies. This fundamental value drives party members to pursue many different career paths that allow them to practice non-aggression freely and demonstrate genuine service amongst other human beings; Emergency responders, educators, nurses, scientists, physicians. Some are in the private sector and some are in public service, such as organization like the CDC. Whatever path these individuals choose to take in their career, they are all invested in the health and well-being of others. People who play these kinds of roles daily, who are on the front lines of human crises, are there because they want to help humanity thrive; they want to resolve crises and be part of the solution.

Check out a great recipe for hand sanitizer as you work to take care of yourself and others.

No matter where you sit on the spectrum of Libertarianism, we can all agree that there is no roll for government to play that should interfere with the helpers. Common sense and decency commands that big government get out of the way so that the helpers can get to the people who need it. Requiring CDC approval before allowing scientists and doctors to create tests to properly diagnose and treat people delays the response time, not only in treating patients, but also in understanding the radius of infections as they spread, putting more people in harms way. It should not be unrealistic for citizens to expect a Hippocratic Oath of Government.

As Libertarians, we do not ask for permission to be helpers; we roll up our sleeves and jump in as we act in the best interest of those who are in need at the moment. Libertarian Dr. Kyle Varner in Seattle, Washington, is treating those diagnosed in critical care. “It is pretty amazing the way bureaucratic red tape has kneecapped the private sector’s ability to respond,” Dr. Varner shared. While regulations are sold by big government politicians as a way to protect the public, they end up having unintended consequences that hurt the very people they’re meant to help.

Statement from the Libertarian Party of New York Chair on Petitioning and COVID-19 Virus

Statement from the Libertarian Party of New York Chair on Petitioning and COVID-19 Virus

originally released for distribution on 03/15/2020 by LPNY

Statement from the Chair on Petitioning and COVID-19 Virus

Dear Friends and Fellow Libertarians,

I am thankful to have had the opportunity to speak with many of you directly over the past few days. We are experiencing unique and unpredictable times as a party and as a nation. First and foremost I wish to extend my thoughts and prayers for each of you and for your families as we navigate our way through the challenges presented by the COVID-19 virus.

Your concerns about changing political petitioning and filing deadlines are shared not only by Libertarians but across political party lines. Please be assured that the LPNY Interim State Committee will respond to changes in the political deadlines in a thoughtful and timely manner that places the utmost importance on the health and safety of our membership.

As you may already know, Governor Cuomo has signed an Executive Order that reduces the minimum number of petition signatures required to 30% of the normal thresholds. The petitioning period will now end at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17 — two weeks earlier than planned. We have not heard if the deadline for filing petitions will similarly be changed.

Fellow Libertarians have expressed important concerns about this abbreviated petitioning period and the impact that this will have on both candidates for public office and judicial district candidates for our 2020 state committee. Local leaders are being hit with “what if” queries that we and other political parties are simply unable to answer quickly at this time. I assure you that we will strive to keep you informed and manage these challenges.

As we move forward, I ask that we all prioritize health and safety over politics. In the big picture political parties and elections are concerns that pale in comparison to people and families. Lets not rush and act impulsively in an attempt to meet the governor’s new petitioning deadline. We will sort these issues out after we have collectively defeated the COVID-19 virus. That is our number one priority.

Thank you,

Jim Rosenbeck
Chair, Interim State Committee
Libertarian Party of New York

Ballot Access Problem Hotline: COVID-19 is Affecting Ballot Access Drives Across the Country

Ballot Access Problem Hotline: COVID-19 is Affecting Ballot Access Drives Across the Country

originally posted on the Libertarian Party website

COVID-19 is affecting ballot access drives across the country

The Libertarian party wants to hear about your ballot drive problems while petitioning. We’re looking for affidavits from

  • Petitioners who had to stop working because they were worried about their health.
  • Petitioners who found that people were unwilling to sign because of Corona fears
  • Voters who are unwilling to sign petitions because of health fears

Please help us by telling us your story going to

Special Election for Queens Borough President on 03/24/2020

Special Election for Queens Borough President on 03/24/2020

Queens LP endorses Jim Quinn for Queens Borough President. Read more below — taken from his website.

After graduating from law school, Jim answered a calling to public service. He joined the Queens District Attorney’s office where he served as an ADA for 42 years. Jim quickly made his mark as a successful prosecutor, trying more than 30 murder cases and getting hundreds of career criminals off the streets, while helping to establish dozens of alternative sentencing programs for young people, veterans, mentally ill and chemically addicted defendants. He rose through the ranks to become Chief of the Narcotics Bureau where he prosecuted violent drug gangs, including the notorious Supreme Team responsible for as many as 40 homicides.

Under former District Attorney Richard Brown, Jim was appointed Executive Assistant District Attorney where he was responsible for managing the Career Criminal and Gang Violence Bureaus. Under his supervision, those bureaus targeted violent gangs like MS-13 and the Snow Gang, helping to reduce murders in Queens County by over 80% since 1992.

Do not forget to vote on March 24, 2020, or early from the 14th to the 22nd.

Youth Activism and Launching Libertarian Clubs in NYC (03/14/2020)

Youth Activism and Launching Libertarian Clubs in NYC (03/14/2020)

Queens Libertarians have invited me as a guest to their monthly meeting. I am going to be there to discuss my plans for Golden Quills, as well as how we can get more young people involved in the liberty movement.

— Brianna Coyle

03/14/2020 at 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Irish Cottage
108-07 72nd Ave, Forest Hills, New York 11375

Queens Libertarian Party