LPNY Selects National Convention Delegates
By QueensLP |
Dear Friends and Fellow Libertarians,
The Libertarian Party of New York is pleased to announce its delegates to the Libertarian National Convention, to be held in Austin, Texas from May 21 through May 25, 2020!
The rules of the national Libertarian Party set each state’s allocation of delegates to the Libertarian National Convention. New York is allocated 48 delegates in total, the fourth largest delegation overall. All Libertarian Party presidential campaigns were responsible for submitting to the New York Board of Elections a list of delegates and alternates from each of New York’s 27 congressional districts, leaving 21 delegates and their alternates. to be selected by the LPNY.
Last September, the LPNY put out a public call for statements of interest from those who wished to represent New York at the LP National Convention. Once it became clear that Jacob Hornberger was the de facto winner of our primary, the LPNY was able to proceed with selecting those interested delegates and alternates who were not already selected by the Hornberger campaign. The list of primary delegates and their alternates selected by the LPNY appears below.
The list of Hornberger delegates and alternates as it currently stands also appears below. The Hornberger campaign is reaching out to their delegates and alternates to confirm interest. We expect the Hornberger campaign to release an updated list soon. We will share it with you as soon as it is available.
In Liberty,
Jim Rosenbeck
Chair, Interim State Committee
Libertarian Party of New York
Delegates Selected by LPNY
Debra Altman
Steve Becker
Kari Bittner
Mark Braiman
Tucker Coburn
Fred Cole
Tony D’Orazio
Pietro Geraci
Mark Glogowski
Paul Grindle
Jim Harris
Andrew Hollister
Andrew Kolstee
Steve Minogue
Lora Newell
Tom Quiter
Jim Rosenbeck
Jeff Russell
Paul Sechrist
Larry Sharpe
Duane Whitmer
Alternates Selected by LPNY
Rachel Becker
John Caulfield
Roger Cooper
Anthony Decubellis
Kevin Delaney
David Desanto
Veronica Diver
Dan Donnelly
Kathy Glogowski
Stoner Horey
Deb Kerr
Peyton Kunselman
Mike Long
Kenneth Mulvena
Chris Olenski
Anthony Pellegrino
Ilya Schwartzberg
Charles Senrick
Alison Story
Karyn Thompson
Sean Wells
Delegates Selected by Hornberger Campaign
(subject to change)
Daniel Abosch
William Anderson
Lythia Becht
Shaun Cahill
John Clifton
Robert Cocomello
Aaron Commey
Richard Cooper
Brianna Coyle
Jose Garcia
Shawn Hannon
Leslie Harris
Deborah Law
Carl Liggio
Adam Magoon
William McMillan
Alex Merced
Leonard Morlock
Jeffery Motta
George Ostrowski
Jon Ott
Susan Overeem
Christian Padgett
Mark Potwora
Blay Tarnoff
Raymond Wasnieski
Kevin WIison
Alternates Selected by Hornberger Campaign
(subject to change)
John Amato
Michael Arcati
Mark Axinn
Devin Balkind
Harold Barnett
Erin Becker
Kari Bittner
Gerrit Cain
Justin Carman
Nicholas Castellano
Cipriana Costello
Thomas Cruz
Robert Glomboski
Jonathan Gunther
Rebecca Lau
Brandon Lyon
Mathew Mahler
Stephen Minogue
Trevor Sammis
Larry Sharpe
Dan Singer
Adam Spence
Enmanuel Torres
Gregory Torres
Vito Ubaldini
Vladimir Vizner
Kevin Warmhold